Please see a summary of the highlights from the quarterly report below as well as the full report attached to this pressrelease, which is also available on the website here.
Period October-December 2020
- Revenue amounted to 51.1 MSEK (72.0)
- Operating profit/loss amounted to -45.2 MSEK (58.9)
Period January-December 2020
- Revenue amounted to 206.6 MSEK (302.9)
- Operating profit/loss amounted to -49.8 MSEK (44.1)
- Net loan to value amounted to 64.0% (59.1)
- The interest coverage ratio amounted to 1.3 x (1.4)
- Property value amounted to 2,403 MSEK (2,605)
Events in the reporting period October-December 2020
- As an effort to further concentrate the business a strategic decision was made to discontinue Jefast Byggservice operations
Events after the reporting period
- Issued a preference shares of SEK 450 million to finance upcoming bond maturity
- Signed construction contract for the residential project at Helsingborg Holland 27 with 83 residential apartments with the contractor MTA Bygg & Anläggning AB. The project will start during the spring of 2021 and will take approximately 23 months to finalise. The contract is a turnkey contract with a fixed price
- The company appointed a new CFO, we welcome Christina Behrens to the team starting in April
- After many years in Höganäs the company has moved its Headquarter to Helsingborg in order to be close to our properties and tenants
For further information, please contact:
Cassandra Jertshagen, CEO
Tel. +46 42 36 12 01
This information is information that Jefast Holding AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014/EU). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above CEO Cassandra Jertshagen, at 18:30 CET on 26 February 2021.
Jefast was founded in 1977 and has since then had its headquarter in Höganäs, Skåne. Jefast owns and develops properties in Höganäs and Helsingborg and its close surroundings, as well as a hotel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida USA. The company owns a total of 74,825 square meters including both commercial and residential properties in Sweden as well as a hotel in Florida.